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Article for you!!!
Two Ways Of Earning Online Money
By: John
When it comes to producing an info-product, there are 2 types of methods to choose from. You can either be creative or innovative. Creative means, you look at the market and come up with a good solution.
In effect, it is coming up with an info-product that will solve an existing need. Say for instance, you realize that people have a problem with writing articles, then you put up something like a rewriter software.
Or, if you realize that many people are trying to plan their joint venture's details, you can invent a joint venture profile software. Essentially, you'll be the first person to hit in the market. Make sense?
However if you want to minimize your risk of failing and earn cash fast, I'll opt to be an innovator. Observe the existing products available to fulfill the demand of a market. Look how good the sales volume is. Then, I'll be an innovator to provide better solution or tap on the existing opportunity.
Not sure what this means?
Let me explain ...
You may have realized that there are a lot of sales letter generator in the market, this is because of the innovative marketers that are creating them. PayDotCom, a relatively new company, is an added example of an innovator market that gives the same service as Clickbank.com
It was launched successfully after the creative company called Clickbank.com. Clickbank.com was the first site that provides credit card processing service with built-in affiliate tracking program for online marketers to use. Currently, there are new innovative marketers that have produced an affiliate tracking tool that can be included with other credit card processors like Paypal.com, 2checkout, authorize.net, etc.
Innovative marketing is not just about duplicating what is successful and trying to be superior, bigger or cheaper. That's a very narrow observation on how to make money which will eventually fail. {Just|Simply] by adding these 2 added ingredients in it, you'll change the whole profit model:
1. Looking for an angle
Finding an angle means positioning yourself unique from those who made it first. For example, Clickbank.com is a success. However other affiliate tracking tools that did not have a built-in credit card processor were very successful as well by tying up with third party credit card company. PayDotCom is also another good example of this for they solve the core problem.
2. Complimenting with the pioneer
Offer an info-product that can ride on the existing successful market. For discussion purposes, let's take for instance Clickbank.com. There are a lot of new tools created to improve the ease of using Clickbank.
Examples are: Software to handle your Clickbank.com affiliates; Software to extract your Clickbank sales report into a Microsoft Excel file; Software to make Clickbank.com search engine tool that is integrated with Clickbank ID;Video tutorials on how to setup Clickbank.com account; and so much more.
See what's happening on the internet.Make a decision if you want to become a creative or innovative marketer. Then, TAKE ACTION!
About the Author
John Siuda is the owner of the profit pulling site selling info-products
To find out more about how to make money online and to get limited time free video training, visit
(ArticlesBase SC #2131175)
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - Two Ways Of Earning Online Money
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Playing politics
In a surprise move he will disclose a Treasury “assessment” that has been conducted in recent weeks to determine the sums needed to safeguard the front line in health, schools and the Home Office.
In an attempt to win credibility for his four-year “deficit reduction plan”, he will acknowledge that other government departments will have to meet the cost with “real cuts”, including the scaling back or cancellation of some high-profile projects.
The Chancellor will put a figure on the sums that he has decided schools, hospitals and the police will need to avoid damaging their performance. Treasury sources admitted that the figure would imply that substantial cuts would be suffered elsewhere.
Although Mr Darling will claim that growth, efficiency savings and some new taxes — including a supertax on bankers’ bonuses — will soften some of the impact, he will begin axing future budgets.
“We are not fixing departmental budgets now but people have the right to know which services we will prioritise and how we intend to pay for them,” a Treasury source said. “We are under no illusion that that will mean some tough choices — cutting unnecessary programmes and lower priority budgets.”
Today’s Pre-Budget Report is intended to supply Labour with ammunition for the coming general election. The Conservatives will be challenged to match specific guarantess, such as a two-week maximum wait to see a cancer specialist. But in putting figures on pledges to protect “frontline services” Mr Darling is confronting voters with the scale of the coming cutbacks in other areas.
The Tory leadership launched a pre-emptive attack on the Chancellor’s credibility, claiming that Britain faced the “disaster” of losing its top credit rating.
George Osborne, the Shadow Chancellor, seized on an international agency’s warning that plunging tax receipts in future years meant an “inexorable deterioration” of the affordability of Britain’s record debts.
He claimed that the latest warning from Moody’s was “further evidence that Britain faces the disaster of having its international credit rating downgraded unless we get on top of our debts”.
But the Treasury accused him of “playing politics” with the country’s standing in the money markets. “To selectively quote is irresponsible and deliberately misleading. All three credit rating agencies have reaffirmed the Government’s AAA rating this year, including Moody’s in October and again today.”
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